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3 1/4″ CPM M4 chisel grind finger choil pack knife with red stag jigged bone #1177

This is a 3 1/4 inch finger choil pack knife made from 0.11 inch thick CPM M4 high alloy carbon steel.  It is 7 inches overall length, 1 inch wide, and is a right hand chisel hollow grind.  The blade steel has been “plum brown” blued to resist corrosion.  The handle scales are “fire oak” stag jigged bone and have a reddish color.  The scales have 1/8 and 3/16 inch mosaic pins with a 1/4 inch nickel silver thong tube.  The pouch sheath is mahogany dyed and has border stamping.


Knife # 1177   Price:  Sold